Ghost 0
Ghost ≈
Ghost [( )]
2013, Apr. 10th
In 2011, I left my island for studying in a city where the winter lasts for half year. To show people how hard I had tried to blend in the other culture, I made several performances:
1. I dressed up like a “typical Asian Babe”, asking people on the street about their Asian Fantasies and tried to achieve them. (“Asian Babe”, 2011)
2. I let people go through my legs and be reborn again. (“Across the Universe”, 2012)
3. I showed off my “local relationship” in public. (“Get a Room”, 2012)
These pieces have a common ground: they are ones that I would show on my portfolio to prove that I’m a normal nice person, who is embracing my sparkling new life. But when I reviewed those “failure art works” (means I ‘m not going to show them in my portfolio) I had done in Chicago, I found that all these fragments were shouting one thing at me:
Therefore, I decided to articulate the social meaning of being a ghost. “GHOST” is composed of three different sections: Ghost 0, Ghost ≈, and Ghost [()]. Before proceeding to the description for each section, I want to talk about my interpretation of being a ghost.
Being a part of immigration makes me realize how it feels as being a ghost, who is always wandering between two different symbolic systems— one is where it comes from and the other is where it locates. Situated in this awkward/ in-between place, a ghost encounters a huge loss of language and communication. Coming with it are the deferring and distortion of receiving information and expressing. The reception of information is based on seeing and hearing, therefore I choose these two basic elements for my ghost playground: mirror and earplugs, the two ways of locating oneself. When the incoherence of locating oneself by these two means occurs, the ghost starts to emerge from this gap.
Ghost 0,Ghost ≈,Ghost [()] echo to each other to bring out the whole thing of being a ghost. Silence never means non-existence of sound, like unseen-ness of ghost doesn’t mean ghost doesn’t exist. In “Ghost 0”, what an audience could hear from the noise-cancelling headphone would be a positive sound, and when they look upward, what they see is things on the ground. In “Ghost ≈”, sound is not for locating but for confirming the information. Couldn’t get the information accurately, so a ghost starts to react by other human being’s reactions/reflection to the information. A ghost doesn’t laugh because the conversation is laughable, it laughs because people laugh. Going through the failure of communication, a ghost realizes what it encounters is about its inability of self-communication, for it never had to build up one when it was a human being. After struggling to figure out how to build its self-communication system, a ghost then gradually apprehends that the possibility of this “self-communication” thing is as suspicious as the existence of unicorn. To the end, a ghost could only define itself by its non-existence in human social network (Ghost [()]).

Ghost 0
The audience could sit on a stool, put on a noise-cancelling headphone, and look upward to a mirror hang from the ceiling. The soundtrack is the recording of silence in Baihai temple(Chicago), where people are not allowed to talk inside of it.

_____ will climb on the chair.
_____ will put on the headphone.
_____ will listen to the _ _ _ _ _ _ in _ _ _ _ _ _.

Ghost ≈
The measurement on the ground includes 3 rounds of lyrics.
The span of each round would increase in geometric series in order ( 1 foot, 2 feet, 4 feet )
The lyric would be presented as a mirror image, which means its reflection on mirror would be the right way to read.
Participants could put on an earmuff and sing/read the song “Roll, Roll, Roll Your Boat.”[1] In the 2nd round, the repetitive lyrics in the 1st round will double. For example, in the first round the lyric is “roll roll roll your boat”, the 2nd round will be “roll roll roll roll roll roll your boat” (so does “merrily merrily merrily merrily”), and so on for the 3rd round.
[1] The lyrics is “roll roll roll your boat, gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream”

Cover your ears (or not)
Stare at yourself in the mirror (or not)
Follow the lyrics on the floor (or not)
Sing the lyrics and move accordingly (or not)
Ghost [()]

Ghost's voice >
You put on the earmuffs and placed your head inside the thing.
You looked around and turned on the switch.
You started to imitate the sound you heard.
You imitated the sound outside your body,
You imitated the sound inside your body,
You turned off the switch and looked around,
“The thing” refers to the spinning lampshade, inside of it stuck with mylar (a kind of reflective material) so that the participants will see their own reflections, spinning. Meanwhile, they could imitate the sound outside their bodies, and then imitate the sound inside their bodies.