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ㄈross ㄈultural


2015, May. 29th - Jun. 21st

"Art on TV: TAV Studio Project",

Taipei Artist Village, Taipei

ㄈross ㄈultural 尺elationship,ㄈㄈ尺 / CCR,Cross Cultural Relationship.


This work combines together my previous project“Get a Room”with “LIFE PERFORMANCE”, the interview tape that I made for job-hunting in United States. When I was creating “Get a Room”back then, I didn’t particularly attempt to responds the issue of “Cross Cultural Relationship” in this project. However, I found out later on that by present it with “LIFE PERFORMANCE” together, the new combination actually reflects the situation that I encountered as a foreigner, who was managing an interracial relationship with an American, meanwhile trying to survive in United States.

About the presentation of “ㄈross ㄈultural 尺elationship”, please refer the following layout plan and the video.


Comparing with the layout plan, this video shows the two-dimensions perspective from audience’s angle when he/she put on the headset. There are three footages in this video, the left one is “Get a Room” projection 1, the right one is “Get a Room” projection 2, and the middle one is “LIFE PERFORMANCE”.

© 2015 by Li Hui Huang created with

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