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秘境四【 緊臨福地 曲徑通幽 】
Secret Attraction 4: Close to the blessed land & Winding path toward the beautiful view
秘境四安全規則 | The safety rules of Secret Attraction 4
1. 請勿敲打窗戶。
Do not knock on the windows.
2. 請勿亂丟垃圾。
Do not litter.
3. 請勿攀爬。
Do not climb.
4. 請在秘境入口處190公分之內活動。
Please stay within 190 cm from the entrance of this Secret spot.
5. 請勿任意觸摸物品。
Do not touch any objects.
6. 請勿吵鬧不敬。
Do not be disrespectful. Quiet please.
7. 請注意頭部安全。
Please pay attention to your head.
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