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秘境三【 樹海相鄰 清雅秘徑 】
 Secret Attraction 3: Adjacent to the sea of trees & Elegant Secret Path 

秘境三安全規則 | The safety rules of Secret Attraction 3


1. 請勿打開別人家窗戶。

  Do not open the windows of other people's houses.

2. 請勿碰觸任何物品。

Do not touch any objects.

3. 請勿攀爬。

Do not climb.

4. 請在秘境入口處220公分之內活動。

Please stay within 220 cm from the entrance of this secret spot.

5. 請注意頭部安全。

Please pay attention to your head.

6. 請勿吵鬧,聲音請維持在平均貓叫聲25分貝以下。

Please be quiet, and keep the sound below 25 decibels for the average cat meowing.

7. 請勿進入左側紅絨圍起來的區域。

Do not enter the area surrounded by the retractable barrier on the left side.

8. 下雨天時路滑,請注意腳步。

Please watch your step when it rains, the ground may become slippery.

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當貓申請處 + 密件通道:寶藏巖國際藝術村 | 轉角2號
ABCO+The Secret Passage: Treasure Hill Artist Village | Corner No. 2 

當貓檔案室:寶藏巖國際藝術村 | 防空洞

ABCA: Treasure Hill Artist Village | Shelter


或 FB寶藏巖國際藝術村粉絲頁 的每月持續更新的報名連結
Event dates will vary every month, please check the updated schedule for

date and time of the monthly events on Treasure Hill Artist Village FB Page

or The News on this website

* 請注意!本網站不接受任何線上報名,請統一至每月報名連結處報名

  Attention! ABCO DO NOT accept any online application / registration on this

  website. For application, please go to the monthly specified link announced

  on Treasure Hill Artist Village FB Page or The News on this website

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