當貓申請處 | ABCO
Applying for Being a Cat Office / ABCO (1F)
*Not open daily, please check the application opening date

當貓申請規則說明 | Application Policies for “Applying for Being a Cat”
1. 只接受線上預約申請,現場從申請到執行時間為1-1.5個小時,請申請者自行斟酌。
Please apply for participation in "applying for being a cat" online first. The duration of participation is about 1-1.5 hours.
* 請注意!本網站不接受任何線上報名,請統一至每月報名連結處報名
Attention! ABCO DO NOT accept any online application / registration on this website.
For application, please go to the monthly specified link announced on Treasure Hill Artist Village FB Page or The News on this website
2. 15歲以上方能申請。
The show is open to participants aged 15 yr and above.
3. 請參考當貓申請日期與時間場次,每日最多只接受三位申請通過者。
Please check the dates and times for the cat application events as we only accept up to three applicants per day.
4. 當貓專員有保留申請者可否當貓的決定權(無論申請者通過術科筆試與否)。
The ABCO coordinators reserve the right to decide whether an applicant can be a cat or not (including applicants who have passed the tests).
5. 當貓過程全程會有動態跟靜態影像紀錄,並在當貓檔案室播放,請申請者斟酌是否要申請。
The entire process will be recorded in still images and video, and also shown in the “Applying for Being a Cat Archives (ABCA, at B1)”.
The process of “Applying for Being a Cat” (please follow the ABCO coordinators’ instructions)
Watch the “Applying for Being a Cat” video to get a preliminary idea of the procedure.
a. 爬梯子拿申請書
b. 身體進入狹窄空間進行筆試(此狹窄空間指樓梯下方的三角空間)。
“Applying for Being a Cat” applicants will take a technical and written test.
The skills required to be a cat are:
a. Climbing the ladder to get the application form;
b. Entering the narrow space to take the written test (“the narrow space” refers to the triangular space under the stairs).
Click the button to see the “Application Form for Applying for Be a Cat”
The location options of “Applying for Being a Cat” are determined by how high the applicant climbs on the ladder, the higher they climb the more location options they have. Each applicant can only choose one location / secret spot to enter.
Click the button to see the Secret location options
Get the application form and fill it out, then enter the triangular space for the written test.
The ABCO coordinator will review the application and decide whether the applicant passes or fails.
If you do not pass, you will have one chance to make up the test.
If you pass the application, please wear the "Being a Cat Now" sash before you head to the location. The ABCO coordinator will supervise the process.
When you arrive at the “Being a Cat” location, please follow the ABCO coordinator and read the safety rules aloud before executing your proposal, and finish it within five minutes.
After finishing the project return to the ABCO, select two to five images and complete the report.
After completing the report you will receive a "ABCO CAT CERTIFICATION".